Welcome to my homepage! I wrote this page to promote the screenplays that I have written. This page will give possible agents, producers and start-up film companies an idea of what I am capable of writing. This webpage was also designed to help my fellow screenwriters! That's right, I have included some links to various websites that I found to be very helpful!

My Background

Before we get to the good stuff, here is a little bit of information about me. I graduated from The University of Alabama in 1999 with a BA in Arts & Sciences (criminal justice and psychology). I was a journalism major, but I had to change majors because of budget cuts in the School of Communications.

My Qualifications As An Actor/Writer

I was in the Honors English Program at The University of Alabama. I was a child actor (Georgia and South Carolina). I was in the State of South Carolina's gifted acting program. I am a member of the American Screenwriters Association (ASA). I have completed the video version of Syd Field's Screenwriting Workshop. I have studied Lew Hunter's book entitled Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434, which is a summary of the Screenwriting 434 course that Lew Hunter teaches at UCLA. I have read countless other books on the art of screenwriting.

My Qualifications As A Director

I am currently working on my Certificate in Directing (A.F.S.-New York). I should receive my certificate within two months.

My Scripts

If you would like to take advantage my services (i.e.: request a script, request a synopsis, or request my film servies, etc.), please e-mail me at mathewsentertainment@yahoo.com


ASA Screenwriters
